Saskbirds - Pictures - Ecuador Birds

Birds Of Ecuador.


Fourteen-day birding trip starting November 17, 2015, with guide (Charlie Vogt – Andean Birding). Pictures taken when opportunities presented. 425 species observed, 285+ fair to good quality pictures, 214 selected.


Please select a subcategory. Or, to view the entire Ecuador database, click here. (PDF LINK)

Yellow-billed PintailDucks
Including the Yellow-billed Pintail and the Andean Teal.

Andean GuanChachalacas and Guans
Including the Andean Guan and the Speckled Chachalaca.

Rufescent Tiger-HeronHerons, Egrets, and Spoonbills
Including the Rufescent Tiger-Heron and the Cocoi Heron.

Greater Yellow-headed VultureVultures
Including the Greater Yellow-headed Vulture and the Black Vulture.

Crane HawkHawks, Falcons, and Kites
Including the Crane Hawk and the Variable Hawk.

Andean GullGulls and Lapwings
Including the Andean Gull and the Southern Lapwing.

Eared DovePigeons and Doves
Including the Eared Dove and the Pale-vented Pigeon.

Mealy ParrotParrots
Including the Mealy Parrot and the Blue-headed Parrot.

Smooth-billed AniCuckoos and Hoatzins
Including the Smooth-billed Ani and the Greater Ani.

Tawny-bellied Screech-OwlOwls
Including the Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl and the Burrowing Owl.

Great PotooPotoo and Nighthawks
Including the Great Potoo and the Common Potoo.

Violet-tailed SylphHummingbirds
Including the Violet-tailed Sylph and the Long-tailed Sylph.

Golden-headed QuetzalTrogons
Including the Golden-headed Quetzal and the Amazonian White-tailed Trogon.

White-chinned JacamarJacamars and Puffbirds
Including the White-chinned Jacamar and the Pied Puffbird.

Gilded BarbetBarbets and Toucans
Including the Gilded Barbet and the Crimson-rumpet Toucanet.

Lafresnaye's PiculetWoodpeckers
Including the Lafresnaye's Piculet and the Spot-breasted Woodpecker.

Olive-backed WoodcreeperWoodcreepers
Including the Olive-backed Woodcreeper and the Plain-brown Woodcreeper.

Black AntbirdAntbirds
Including the Black Antbird and the Dot-winged Antwren.

Chestnut-crowned AntpittaAntpittas
Including the Chestnut-crowned Antpitta and the Ochre-breasted Antpitta.

Eastern Wood-PeweeFlycatchers
Including the Eastern Wood-Pewee and the Smoke-colored Pewee.

Spangled ContingaCotingas
Including the Spangled Continga and the Plum-throated Cotinga.

Inca JayJays
Including the Inca Jay and the Turquoise Jay.

Gray-breasted MartinSwallows
Including the Gray-breasted Martin and the White-winged Swallow.

Black-capped DonacobiusDonacobius
Including the Black-capped Donacobius.

Thrush-like WrenWrens
Including the Thrush-like Wren.

Glossy-black ThrushThrushes
Including the Glossy-black Thrush and the Ecuadorian Thrush.

Black-crested WarblerWarblers
Including the Black-crested Warbler and the Spectacled Whitestart.

Summer TanagerTanagers and Flowerpiercers
Including the Summer Tanager and the Scarlet Tanager.

Grayish SaltatorSaltators
Including the Grayish Saltator and the Buff-throated Saltator.

Yellow-bellied Seedeater (Female)Seedeaters, Finches, and Sparrows
Including the Yellow-bellied Seedeater (Female) and the Chestnut-bellied Seedeater.

Blue-black GrosbeakCardinals, Grosbeaks, and Allies
Including the Blue-black Grosbeak and the Southern Yellow-Grosbeak.

Moriche OrioleOrioles and Blackbirds
Including the Moriche Oriole and the Olive Oropendoia.

White-lored EuphoniaEuphonias
Including the White-lored Euphonia and the Thick-billed Euphonia.

Dark-backed Wood-QuailQuail
Including the Dark-backed Wood-Quail.