Saskbirds - Pictures - Costa Rican Birds

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Three half days birding (two with guide} in mid-January 2019 - Caribbean (Tortuguero) to Pacific
(Guanacaste) coast. Shoot and run.

Family holiday March 23 to 31, 2023.- Arenal to Guanacaste coast.

Pictures - Sharyle and Brian Fowler

Crested GuanCurassow and Guan
Including the Crested Guan and the Great Curassow.

Green HeronHerons and Egrets
Herons usually avoid humans. Egrets are much more territorial.

Black VultureVultures
Vultures help prevent disease spread by 'removing' carcasses.

Common Black-HawkHawks
Hawks are widely known for their powerful and sharp talons.

Barn OwlOwls
Predatory birds with incredible neck rotational abilities.

Canivet's EmeraldHummingbirds
Some hummingbirds can flap their wings at 70 wingbeats every second!

Ruddy Ground-DovePigeons and Doves
Doves are usually smaller than a pigeon.

White-fronted ParrotParrots
Parrots are usually very smart and quite social towards humans.

Black-headed TrogonTrogons
'Trogon' is Greek for 'nibbling'. Trogons 'nibble' holes in trees to make nests.

American Pygmy KingfisherKingfishers
Kingfishers usually have a large head and small body.

Keel-billed ToucanToucans
Toucans use their big bills to grab fruit on branches.

Great KiskadeeFlycatchers
Flycatchers are generally small and colourful songbirds.

Brown JayJays
Including the Brown Jay and the White-throated Magpie-Jay.

Slaty-backed Nightingale ThrushThrush
Including the Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush and the Clay-colored Thrush.

Prothonotary WarblerWarblers
Including the Tennessee Warbler and the Prothonotary Warbler.

Blue-Gray TanagerTanagers and Seedeaters
Including the Thick-billed Seed-Finch and the Blue-gray Tanager.

White-eared Ground-SparrowFinches and Sparrows
Including the White-eared Ground-Sparrow and the Rufous-collared Sparrow.

Streak-backed OrioleBlackbirds and Orioles
Male orioles are typically brighter than female orioles.

SungrebeOther Species
All other bird pictures that don't have a specific category.

Spider MonkeyMammals and Reptiles
All other wildlife captured (through picture) in Costa Rica.